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We have been granted permission from the Brisbane Mater Hospital to use this video that we recently transcribed for a fundraising campaign to show you first-hand our 100% accuracy and professional formatting (transcript below video).

Sample transcript:


[Audio File Name]


This document has been supplied for [Client Name] by independent transcriber Laura Meldon (Miss Transcription) on [date]. It is a true and accurate transcription of the recordings supplied on [date].


Speakers identified as: [Speaker 1, Speaker 2, etc]



1               Mater Little Miracles 2013, Delinda’s Courageous Journey


Words that are [unclear] or [inaudible] are marked in brackets with timestamps to indicate where they are in the recording. Where a word is partially obscured or difficult to make out, the best guess will be indicated in brackets with timestamps.  



1         Mater Little Miracles 2013, Delinda’s Courageous Journey


Mother:       After we found out – I think it was about four and a half weeks – I convinced the doctor to do a scan. We went in, and Glenn was sitting behind the ultrasound lady and she put it on – I could see the two separate eggs. We had to have the news of two beautiful little girls.

I woke Glenn up – it was probably around 7 o’clock, and I said, “I think we should probably go find the nearest hospital,” because I’d seen a very small show of blood. Got the address, and we were at the hospital by about 10 past 7. Heartbeats were fantastic, nothing wrong – soon as I laid down, pretty much the placenta and everything came out and sat on the bed, and it went from being three of us to about 18-20 people within seconds.

Everyone’s eyes were popping out of their heads, and at this point, we were under the knowledge that they were in individual sacs – there was no join, nothing, because the twins were completely separate from all scans. So, they pulled Rachel out, and pretty much, she was out of the room within about three, four seconds. Delinda came out at 9:37, so it was an hour and a minute later.

They told us that it was two girls, and so I said, “The first one is Rachel, the second one is Delinda.” Rachel’s birth weight was 680 grams, and Delinda’s – she started at 612, but she went down to 550 very quickly. When they came to me and they said, “Okay, it’s time to fly out,” we’d already been told that Rachel was going to go at this stage before myself and Delinda.

So, my first impressions of the staff at Mater were, I suppose, supportive – understanding of the situation that I was in. I presume they do it quite a lot, which is sad, but they knew to not push things – to sort of keep positive, but not give you false hope, I think, is probably the best way of putting it.

They explained the situation, and they said to me, they were trying everything that they could possibly try, but there probably won’t be long that I would have both girls. Then, there was Delinda as well, and her concerns had been so early – I had already, in my heart, known that Rachel probably wouldn’t have long.

It was sort of hard – I sort of knew that Delinda was okay, and I knew that I probably wouldn’t have long with Rachel, so it was sort of stuck. Sort of one here, one there, and sort of looking – and there was people all around both of them, and it’s sort of like not how I envisioned the first few hours of motherhood was going to be.

I went through the history of Dad and Mum and what we had planned, and how excited we were to find out that we were having two little girls, and I got to sing her songs and pretty much hold her hand and tell her that it’d be okay and that we understand, and that she’ll be able to look after her little sister and everything.

She gripped my hand so tightly for most of it, and then she pretty much went, within about three minutes. It was very peaceful. She didn’t suffer. There was nothing, and then I think I held her for about an hour. So, I pretty much said goodbye, and it was at that point that, I think, the last sort of 25 hours, I went, “No, I need to sit down.”

So, the whole time that we spent in the NICU system was just huge. We did three and a half months in the neonatal intensive care unit, and then about – I think she only did four days in high dependency, and then the rest was, I think, probably nearly five weeks to six weeks in special care.

The intensive care part was probably the hardest. Day to day, basically, she was crashing. In the first sort of eight weeks, she could do it between, on a good day, two to maybe three times a day. Our worst day on record was six times in one day, and you just sort of sit there and you’re like, here we go again, and come back through.

But a lot of Delinda’s issues were that she was just a tiny person in a big world. It took us 19 days to get our first hold of her, and she was tiny. It was a five-minute cuddle, and we got our first official family photo, but those five minutes were worth everything. Just – we’d actually finally touched her.

Yes, we could hold her hand in through the little portals and everything, but to actually hold her and – I think it sort of sunk in. I know, when we both had our first cuddles, it was – there’s nothing better. Yet, this little person was sitting there clutching you and just holding in. The little things that happened that were huge made all the other times that were heartache just disappear.

When she finally opened her eyes, and she did one on one day and the second eye the next day, and we’re like, “She’s looking at us.” If Glenn or I spoke, the head would turn, and little things like that was all we had to say, “We’re Mum and Dad.” The day we found out we got to take her home, it was all very surreal, I suppose. It was the first time we had had five minutes alone with nobody around us.

Yes, she had come home on oxygen, and as it turned out, she had it for a year and a half – and not full-time, but by the end of it, she had it for night only. But to see how she strived with having it, her body would have had to work a lot harder and she probably wouldn’t have grown as much as she did. She came off of it, and her body stayed strong and she just went – and we now have a little lady.

Delinda’s medical history and what she’s up to now – we found out, day before we left hospital, that she was profoundly deaf. We have an achieving child at two and a half years who is well ahead of what the prospects that we were given at the start, which were exceptionally scary.


Father:       Personality – she’s happy as Larry. She is. She doesn’t stop smiling. It doesn’t matter whether – what kind of day it is, she’s always happy and that. So, it just makes you happy as well. So, you go through a lot, but when you see her smile, it doesn’t matter what kind of a day you’ve had. It’s great.




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